New Year, New Beginnings
Standing in front of a change of season or new beginning, can be daunting. This Blog entry explores lessons I have learned from stepping into a new season or new beginning...
Holy Saturday
On this inbetween (Quiet/Holy) Saturday , between the betrayal , suffering and death on Good Friday and the Grave bursting new Life and Restoration on Resurrection Sunday, may we be reminded that what was stolen and taken from us in the past two years will be restored , pressed...
It is only when our backs are completely against the wall and we stop relying on our self-sufficiency, that we can allow God to move in our lives....
A Life of Worship and Praise
‘When we’ve been here ten thousand yearsBright shining as the sunWe’ve no less days to sing God’s praiseThan when we first begun’ A couple of weeks ago, during the the early weeks of the third wave of Covid-19 hitting the Western Cape and Stellenbosch specifically, there has been a...
About two months ago, a question was posed to the Hillsong Stellenbosch Creative Team in what they envision for the team for 2021. The thought that I shared with the team, which kind of stuck around from that Thursday evening, was the idea of “Resting in the Restart”. At...
Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward
We had a gathering with all of the Hillsong Africa Creative Team where one of the amazing leaders of Hillsong Africa spoke encouragement into our lives....
Home is where the Heart Lies
If we truly want to make a difference in the world, one of the first steps we have to take is to let go of the toxic, unhelpful cycles in life that is not taking us forward to where we ought to be, or to what we are becoming...
Small Beginnings
The seed that I sow and the fruit that it bears is not for me but for others, and that because God chose me and gifted me with specific gifts and talents...
2021 – a road yet to be travelled
A once-in-a-lifetime event, or occurrence, is just like that…
Looking back on 2020 and towards 2021, a road less travelled....
Find Peace in the Pause
We have come to the time of the year where we are in the festive period, where some of us were still able to gather as families, and maybe take well needed time to reflect on the year that was....